It's Just the Beginning!
"Big things have small beginnings." - Prometheus Recently, we wrote about how we truly believe September is the new January. Fall gives...

American? Continental? I thought we were just going to the dining table!
The world was my oyster, but I used the wrong fork. - Oscar Wilde The world opens up to those who are well-mannered. How? Because you...
Happy New Year!
No, we haven't lost our marbles in wishing you a Happy New Year! We just consider fall the season of promise and positivity - almost like...
Let us lend you a hand: glove etiquette
Understandably, COVID has sparked much interest and use of face masks as well as the evolving etiquette surrounding face mask use. We...

Thank you so much!
“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and then not giving it.” William Arthur Ward Who wants to do that?...

The New Age of Dining: Is The Customer Still Aways Right?
After months of at home meals and curbside pickup, so many people are eagerly awaiting the moment they can leave those takeout boxes...
Remarkable Results With A Routine
“Manners require time, and nothing is more vulgar than haste.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson When we make time for manners during the day our...

And You Thought Today Was An Ordinary Wednesday
Today is the first day of the second half of 2020! The pandemic has made work a bit of a roller-coaster when most of us had to pivot and...
Networking: You're thinking about it all wrong
The idea of “networking” can leave a bad taste in one’s mouth. “I hate networking, it’s so fake.” “I don’t ‘network’ because I...

Are You Ready for a Face-Off? What Would You Do?
Scenario: you’re walking down the supermarket aisle wearing your mask and you see someone approaching from the other direction, not...