Welcome to Marvelously Well-Mannered, LLC!
Having good manners, social skills and knowing the rules of etiquette make life more joyful, pure and simple. Who wouldn’t like to possess skills that take you from feeling insecure, awkward and self-conscious to feeling confident, gracious and elegant in every aspect of your life?
Find yourself frustrated at the career wins of your colleague (who you are just as smart and qualified as)
Wistfully watch social butterflies at parties and events with *I-wish-that-was-me* longing
Worry family, friends and work colleagues will laugh at you for trying to “be someone you’re not”
Think manners aren’t for people like you because you didn’t come from money or go to an Ivy-league school
Juggle life from morning till night, tending to family obligations or answering work emails so there’s no time to think about self-improvement
Feel so overwhelmed that you don’t know where to start
But here’s the truth -
Manners, etiquette and social skills aren’t reserved for other people, special occasions or VIPs. These skills should be showcased every single work day with every single human interaction we have. That includes YOU.
Even more good news, these skills can be learned!
When you learn these skills you’ll feel better and others will too:
You’ll feel happier because you’ll be more comfortable in all situations because you’ll know what to do and how to do it
You’ll gain a quiet confidence (and self-respect) and stop being insecure about your own presentation
Others will be attracted to your positive and joyful attitude and truly enjoy being around you
You’re only steps away from learning what you need to know. We will share with you usable and tactical steps you can take to immediately start your transformation.
We’re here to support you! Let us teach you what to do and how to do it,
so that you can learn, grow, succeed, and be happy. Now's the time.
We trained at both the Protocol School of Washington and
the International School of Protocol and have combined that
training with our years of corporate and government experience
and time in front of the classroom to now provide up-to-date and relevant
civility, personal branding, dining skills and business etiquette training.
Learn more about our classes for you or for your organization.
And yes, we said “your organization” too.
CALLING ALL BUSINESS LEADERS. Businesses care if their workplace and those working in it are civil because good manners are good for the bottom line. Conversely, incivility is bad for business. Not only does it cause companies to lose customers, but incivility keeps companies from attracting and retaining top drawer staff.
If you’re a business leader, let us help your team learn what they need to know to well-represent not only themselves, but you and your organization too.
There is no downside to marvelous manners!
We have some additional resources to get you, your team, and your family going!
Sign up for our regular updates with tips & suggestions to polish your manners and learn etiquette.
Please check out our book that has the tools We invite you to enter Kindness Kingdom and play everyone needs for professional & personal our award-winning fun, princess, fairy, tea-party happiness! Order it today! themed board game:
“Good manners and etiquette in our daily lives will never go "Being a recently retired teacher, who has taught pre-k
out style. As they rightly state, possessing good manners having 7 and 8 year old grandchildren, plus a 15 year means you also possess a certain 'kindness of spirit'. old daughter, I had to buy this game I when I saw it. What a valuable lesson for millennials in this fast- We LOVE it! Reading skills, manners in all areas, paced rapidly changing technological world." sportsmanship .... I highly recommend this game for ANITA MCBRIDE, Executive in Residence, School of Public children of ALL ages. Thank you so much!" - Beth H.
​Affairs at American University and the former Assistant
to President George W. Bush and Chief of Staff to the First
Lady Laura Bush from 2005-2009
"Jessica and Catherine's advice is valuable because they express
themselves every day with the modern manners they write
about. This book isn't just their advice, it's how they live their
lives. I know because I have had the privilege of working with
them and viewing them 'in action'. Their manners translate to
real-life kindness and consideration of others. Read the book and
make your life easier and much more pleasant every day!"
AMY SHOWALTER, Author, The Underdog Edge,
The Showalter Group, Inc.
"Whoever one is, and wherever one is, one is always wrong when one is rude."
- Maurice Baring
"And so of cheerfulness, or a good temper - the more it is spent the more of it remains." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Treat everyone with politeness, even those who are rude to you -
not because they are nice but because you are."
- Unknown

If you think these skills aren’t for you, think again! Studies show 85% of professional success is connected to one's social skills. In business – as in life – you rarely succeed on your own. We need other people, a community. And part of that is knowing how to treat people well.
You want to reach for more – to create a better personal and professional life – yet feel stuck. At the moment, you: