The Act of Conversation ...
How did your first week of the new year go? We hope it was everything you wanted it to be – and included being marvelously well-mannered....
Read this before your next job search
We know that worlds are indeed colliding and the neat line of demarcation between work and play is disappearing. Most of us have social...
Mend a fence and heal a hurt
Today is National Kiss & Make Up Day - so it seems to us to be the perfect time to encourage everyone to end a quarrel and mend a fence....
Your refinement at the table is a courtesy to others and a sign of self respect
Despite the warm breezy summer weather and more and more adults getting vaccinated, some are not yet be ready to head out to a restaurant...
How to eat delightful (but sometimes messy) finger foods
Did you know that today is National French Fry Day? To help you celebrate here is a perfect Fabulous French Fry Dipping Sauce recipe...
Life is Better at the Beach
Sun, sand and the sounds of the waves … the beach does make things better. But only if everyone knows how to act. While Memorial Day is...
It's Five O'Clock Somewhere ...
To help you prepare for that joyful time (maybe you're able to celebrate Mother's Day this weekend with family!), here are our top three...
Attention - Ladies!
Change is a good thing! Earlier this year, the Army and the Air Force changed their rules regarding how women may style themselves and...
You don't need to rely on the luck of the Irish
“I believe luck is preparation meeting opportunity. If you hadn’t been prepared when the opportunity came along, you wouldn’t have been...

Patience is a virtue
Patience is a virtue, we all know this. It's important to develop this skill. Patience is like any other skill in that it can be...