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Resolution Time: September is the New New Year!

More and more people now view Labor Day weekend as their new New Year. Do you? With its back-to-school vibe, change in weather, switching out of wardrobes, and renewed energy, it is easy to see why many mark Labor Day as the perfect time to start to re-organize, re-evaluate goals, and undertake some personal self-improvement. Who is with me?

Marvelously Well-Mannered thinks fall is the ideal time to work on your personal brand. It takes 21 days to start a pattern and 100 days to make that new improvement automatic so select one brand-improving goal each month and get going.

Stuck for ideas on what to do to enhance your personal brand? You could tweak your workspace to better reflect a more polished brand (clean and clutter-free with some personal sparkle but toning down the excessive vacation pictures and trinket collections and taking down the funny but yellowing cartoon you have pasted to your computer). You could decide to brush up on your business meeting etiquette by focusing on those in your meetings rather than those on the other end of your iphone. You could decide to work on your colleague etiquette by making it a goal to be on time for every staff meeting. Being late is a common business etiquette faux pas. You could take the opportunity when switching out your summer clothes for your fall wardrobe to take your clothes up a notch and dress for the job you want, not the job you have. All these individual steps, when taken together, help improve your personal brand.

Have a marvelous week - Catherine

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